Void catalogs

Beside Gigantes, Quijote also contain catalogs of voids identified using a spherical-overdensity algorithm (check this website for details). The catalogs are stored as hdf5 files and they contain the following blocks:

  • pos: the positions of the void centers in Mpc/h

  • radius: the sizes of the voids in in Mpc/h

  • VSF: the void size function

  • VSF_Rbins: the radii bins of the void size function

  • parameters: the values of the void finder parameters used to generate the void catalogue

In python, the files can be read as

import h5py

f = h5py.File('/home/fvillaescusa/Quijote/Voids/fiducial/0/void_catalogue_m_z=0.hdf5', 'r')
pos        = f['pos'][:]        #void center positions in Mpc/h
radius     = f['radius'][:]     #void radii in Mpc/h
VSF        = f['VSF'][:]        #VSF (#voids/dR/Volume)
VSF_Rbins  = f['VSF_Rbins'][:]  #VSF radii in Mpc/h
parameters = f['parameters'][:] #parameters used to run the void finder