The format of the individual bispectra files are:
k1/kf | k2/kf | k3/kf | P0(k1) | P0(k2) | P0(k3) | B0(k1,k2,k3) | Q(k1,k2,k3) | B_SN(k1,k2,k3) | counts
where k1, k2, k3 specify the length of the triangle sides, P0(k) is the power spectrum monopole, B0(k1,k2,k3) is the bispectrum monopole, Q(k1,k2,k3) is the reduced bipsectrum, B_SN is the bispectrum shot noise correction, and counts is the number of triangles in the bin. B0 is already shot-noise corrected. The header specifies kf, the fundamental mode, and Nhalo, the number of halos.
The individual bispectra files can be read in python as follows,
import numpy as np
k1, k2, k3, p0k1, p0k2, p0k3, b123, q123, b_sn, cnts = np.loadtxt(FILENAME, skiprows=1, unpack=True, usecols=range(10))
# read header to get Nhalo
hdr = open(FILENAME).readline().rstrip()
Nhalo = int(hdr.split('Nhalo=')[-1])
Alternatively, sets of bispectra files for a specific redshift and cosmology can easily be accessed
import h5py
fbk = h5py.File(FILENAME, 'r')
k1 = fbk['k1'][...]
k2 = fbk['k2'][...]
k3 = fbk['k3'][...]
p0k1 = fbk['p0k1'][...]
p0k2 = fbk['p0k2'][...]
p0k3 = fbk['p0k3'][...]
b123 = fbk['b123'][...]
q123 = fbk['q123'][...]
b_sn = fbk['b_sn'][...]
cnts = fbk['counts'][...] # triange counts
Nhalos = fbk['Nhalos'][...] # number of halos
files = fbk['files'][...] # names of individual files.