Quijote provides several latin-hypercubes that can be classified into several main categories depending on what parameters are varied:
The simulations in this category only consider massless neutrinos. There are three latin-hypercubes in this category, each containing 2,000 simulations that vary the value of \(\Omega_{\rm m}\), \(\Omega_{\rm b}\), \(h\), \(n_s\), \(\sigma_8\). The limits of the latin-hypercubes are set by:
The value of the cosmological parameters for each simulation of a latin-hypercube of this category can be found here. Alternatively, inside each snapshot folder, there is a file called Cosmo_params.dat
that contains the value of the cosmological parameters of that simulation. Each simulation of the latin-hypercube has a different value of the initial random seed. The value of the initial random seed of each simulation is written in the file ICs/2LPT.param
inside each simulation folder.
The differences between the three latin-hypercubes are these:
standard: This latin-hypercube contains 2,000 standard simulations with \(512^3\) particles each. The snapshots, halo catalogues…etc of this latin-hypercube are located in a folder called
. The folder names areX
, whereX
goes from 0 to 1999.fixed: This latin-hypercube contains 2,000 fixed simulations with \(512^3\) particles each. The snapshots, halo catalogues…etc of this latin-hypercube are located in a folder called
. The folder names areNCV_X
goes from 0 to 1999.high-resolution. This latin-hypercube contains 2,000 standard simulations with \(1024^3\) particles each. The snapshots, halo catalogues…etc of this latin-hypercube are located in a folder called
. The folder names areX
, whereX
goes from 0 to 1999.
The simulations in the standard and high-resolution latin-hypercubes share the same initial random seed. E.g. the simulation 723 of the standard latin-hypercube has the same initial random seed as the simulation 723 of the high-resolution latin-hypercube. The only difference is the maximum \(k\) sampled in each.
The simulations in this category include massive neutrinos. There is one single latin-hypercube in this category, and it contains 2,000 simulations that vary the value of \(\Omega_{\rm m}\), \(\Omega_{\rm b}\), \(h\), \(n_s\), \(\sigma_8\), \(M_\nu\), and \(w\). The limits of this latin-hypercube are set by
The value of the cosmological parameters of each simulation of the latin-hypercube can be found here. Alternatively, inside each snapshot folder, there is a file called Cosmo_params.dat
that contains the value of the cosmological parameters of that simulation. Each simulation of the latin-hypercube has a different value of the initial random seed. The value of the initial random seed of each simulation is written in the file ICs/NGenIC.param
inside each simulation folder.
Note that the initial conditions of these simulations have been generated using the Zel’dovich approximation, while the initial conditions of latin-hypercubes that do not include neutrinos were generated using 2LPT.
The snapshots, halo catalogues…etc of this latin-hypercube are located in a folder called latin_hypercube_nwLH
. The folder names are X
, where X
goes from 0 to 1999.
The simulations in this category are designed to explore the impact of primordial non-Gaussianities on the Universe’s large-scale structure. This category contains two different latin-hypercubes, each of them with 1,000 N-body simulations. We noe describe each of them in detail:
. This latin-hypercube contains 1,000 simulations. All of them follows the evolution of \(512^3\) dark matter particles in a periodic volume of \((1000~h^{-1}{\rm Mpc})^3\) down to \(z=0\). Each simulation has a different value of the initial random seed, that can be found in theICs/2LPT.param
file inside the simulation folder. All the simulations share the value of these cosmological parameters \(\Omega_{\rm m}=0.3175\), \(\Omega_{\rm b}=0.049\), \(h=0.6711\), \(n_s=0.9624\), \(\sigma_8=0.834\), \(M_\nu=0\) eV, \(w_0\). The parameter that is varied is \(f_{\rm NL}\) local that is varied within \(-300 \leq f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local} \leq +300\). The value of the \(f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local}\) parameter for each simulation can be found in here. Note that we run these simulations generating 46 snapshots. Thus, the names of the snapshots and catalogs are different. In this file you can find the value of the scale factor associated to each snapshot/catalog. For insteance,snapdir_045
corresponds to \(a=1\) or \(z=0\).latin_hypercube_EQ
. This latin-hypercube contains 1,000 simulations. All of them follows the evolution of \(512^3\) dark matter particles in a periodic volume of \((1000~h^{-1}{\rm Mpc})^3\) down to \(z=0\). Each simulation has a different value of the initial random seed, that can be found in theICs/2LPT.param
file inside the simulation folder. All the simulations share the value of these cosmological parameters \(\Omega_{\rm b}=0.049\), \(M_\nu=0\) eV, \(w=-1\). The value of the other cosmological parameters are varied in the range:
The value of the \(f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local}\) parameter for each simulation can be found in here. Note that we run these simulations generating 46 snapshots. Thus, the names of the snapshots and catalogs are different. In this file you can find the value of the scale factor associated to each snapshot/catalog. For insteance, snapdir_045
corresponds to \(a=1\) or \(z=0\).