The Quijote simulations is a suite of more than 82,000 full N-body simulations that have been designed to accomplish two main goals:
Quantify the information content on generic cosmological observables
Provide enough data to train machine learning algorithms
For the first goal, Quijote provides a set of more than 40,000 simulations designed to calculate the information content on a generic cosmological observable by means of evaluating its Fisher matrix.
For the second goal, Quijote provides not only thousands of simulations on different latin-hypercubes and Sobol sequences, but the a total number of more than 82,000 N-body simulations, with billion of halos, galaxies, voids and millions of summary statistics such as power spectra, bispectra…et, to train machine learning algorithms, where having more data is always better.
The large number of simulations and data products available in Quijote allows many other scientific applications. See Publications for a list of different scientific usages of the data.