Quijote contains standard N-body simulations varying the five vanilla \(\Lambda{\rm CDM}\) parameters: \(\Omega_{\rm m}\), \(\Omega_{\rm b}\), \(h\), \(n_s\), \(\sigma_8\). In these simulations \(w=-1\), \(M_\nu=0~{\rm eV}\), \(\Omega_K=0\) and the initial conditions are generated with 2LPT.
These simulations include Om_p
, Om_m
, Ob_p
, Ob_m
, h_p
, h_m
, ns_p
, ns_m
, s8_p
, s8_m
, Ob2_p
, Ob2_m
, fidcial
, fiducial_HR
, fiducial_LR
, fiducial_ZA
, and the three standard latin-hypercubes.
The initial conditions of the fiducial_ZA
simulations have been generated with the Zel’dovich approximation and not 2LPT. This is because these simulations are designed to be used with other Zel’dovich generated ICs simulation such as Mnu_p
, Mnu_pp
, and Mnu_ppp
These simulations are designed to explore and quantify the impact of vanilla cosmological parameters of the spatial distribution of matter, halos, and galaxies.