Correlation functions
The format of the correlation functions are:
R | xi(R) for correlation functions in real-space
R | xi0(R) | xi2(R) | xi4(R) for correlation functions in redshift-space
where xi0(R), xi2(R) and xi4(R) are the monopole, quadrupole and hexadecapole, respectively. The units of R are Mpc/h, while the different xi are dimensionless.
In redshift-space there are three different files for each realization/redshift. These have been computed by placing the redshift-space distortions along the three different axes.
In python, the files can be read as
import numpy as np
R, xi = np.loadtxt('/home/fvillaescusa/Quijote/CF/matter/fiducial/0/CF_m_1024_z=0.txt', unpack=True)
R, xi0, xi2, xi4 = np.loadtxt('/home/fvillaescusa/Quijote/CF/matter/fiducial/0/CF_m_RS0_1024_z=0.txt', unpack=True)